Sunday, February 13, 2011

Epiphany 6A: Beginning and ending in LOVE

Lectionary: Ecclesiasticus 15:15-20; Psalm 119:1-8; 1 Corinthians 3:1-9; Matthew 5:21-37

Well friends, responding to the call of the Holy Spirit, I preached extemporaneously again, so I have no text to post. Having just completed our Vestry Retreat, I also didn't have time to work out the video-taping thing either - but I will - I promise.

Until then, know that I asked our vestry and our congregation to renew our commitment to live our lives as a prayer, that is, as a response to God's call to us LOVE and to be Christ's LOVE in the world. It isn't about following rules (the scribes and Pharisees did that). Jesus calls us to something deeper - to a relationship with our Creator so that all we do and all we are begins and ends in LOVE (which is God).

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